Who Moved All the Furniture Around?

August 26, 2021 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

I am totally blind from birth. I would like give a presentation that is interactive and relies on humor and storytelling to show people how to interact properly with people with disabilities. I generally call this the "brass tacks" of disability advocacy.

I'm not talking about political correctness, I think some of that can be overdone. I'm talking about tone of voice and that fine line between a person's independence and their necessary dependence on somebody. I am a very independent person but I am always dependent on somebody through some sort of communication if I need help with something that I cannot do which requires vision. The same can be said for interactions in the workplace.

I know that I can make this a compelling session because I'm talking about the life that I live. It's not as if things like the Americans With Disabilities Act are not important, they are very important! But sometimes the human element is missing from those sorts of presentations that just give rules and regulations. My aim is to present that human element.
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Dave Bahr

CEO , In-sightful Living
