Michelle Egan, APR, Fellow PRSA, Chair

Michelle Egan, APR, Fellow PRSA, Chair
For three decades, Michelle Egan, APR, Fellow PRSA, has applied her strategic communication skills to advance the reputations of government, nonprofit and private sector organizations. Her career includes public relations positions at Junior Achievement, Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, the Anchorage School District and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.
As Chief Communications Officer for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Egan directs internal and external communications for the company charged with operating the TransAlaska Pipeline System. Reporting to the president, she is responsible for all aspects of formal company stakeholder, media and government relations, crisis communication and philanthropy. She advises the executive team on strategic communication issues, develops the board-approved communications strategy and oversees a budget of $3 million. She supervises an award-winning staff as well as government relations and consulting contractors and serves as a member of the Crisis Management Team during critical incidents.
Accredited in 2001, Egan has volunteered with PRSA for 20 years and was president of the Alaska Chapter in 2016. She joined the PRSA Board of Directors in 2018 and served two terms as Treasurer. Egan’s committee service includes the executive, finance, human resources and CEO search committees.
Her passion for the community and social justice runs deep as she volunteers her time with Special Olympics, Catholic Social Services and the Board of Directors of the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility. She is sought after as a public speaker and trainer and is considered an expert on topics such as message development, crisis communications, ethics and advising leaders.
Egan is a graduate of Boston College and has a master’s degree in strategic communication and leadership from Seton Hall University.