What Burnout? Work Smarter and Carve Out Time and Space To Create

October 28, 2020 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Session Type: Leadership & Management

You got into PR because you love storytelling and communicating creatively. But now you’re drowning in email, meetings and interruptions. Your PR peers are burning out on long hours putting out fires and responding to emails and social posts. And you’re wondering if you have a storytelling bone left in your body. But there really is a better way.

This session draws on the presenter’s experience consulting for everyone from Fortune 20 companies to mid-size PR agencies on how to get better communications results. Increasingly, the most urgent question Smart’s clients ask during his training sessions is: “How do I find the time and space I need to create the compelling stories I know I need, and that I love to develop?”

So he developed the first productivity and time management training specifically for PR pros. His introductory webinar on this topic was PRSA’s most registered for webinar in years. You’ll learn how to tame email and other digital distractions while still staying on top of what matters most. Y

You’ll get specific phrasing and dialogues to use with bosses and coworkers to manage meeting and conference call overload, all so you can create the time and space necessary to reengage the creative side of your brain and create campaigns you’ll be proud of. Every tip will be backed up by scientific research, surveys of PR people who have applied them previously and specific success stories from professionals just like you.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 
• Summarize how to change others’ expectations of them from “responsive” to “effective.”
• Identify phrasing for conversations that set boundaries in a way that builds respect, not annoyance.
• Define specific ways to create space to engage the creative side of their brain, which is why they got into PR in the first place!
• Find out about free or inexpensive software tools that shield them from incessant digital distraction.
Michael Smart (photo)
Michael Smart

