Minding the PR Talent Gap From Both Sides of the Aisle

October 26, 2020 3:30 p.m. – 4:20 p.m.

Session Type: Special Interests

Bad hires are expensive, emotionally draining and increasingly more common. More than 60% of businesses said young employees lack the critical thinking skills, attention to detail and writing pedigree needed to do the work. More than 60% of new hires don’t think their employers can provide necessary training to do the work.

There’s a trust chasm in our industry. Students are smart enough to see post-grad internships as entry-level work for half the pay. Hiring managers are smart enough to identify talent likely to leave on a whim. Unpaid opportunities are bound to disappoint all sides. The lack of communication among communication professionals is alarming and counterproductive to our field. Let’s fix it.

“Minding the PR Talent Gap” will explain how we got into this mess, then identify new ways to build transparency and trust among people and proprietors. Hiring managers will leave with concrete ideas to boost employee quality, training and retention. Those looking for a first or second job will learn how to stand out in a cluttered market. Maybe the two sides can even swap some business cards.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 
• Explain why the skills gap is growing.
• Identify hiring strategies and tactics that better attract and retain young talent.
• Describe core competencies that are a must in this field, and how to obtain them while getting paid or earning course credit.
Dan Farkas, MBA, Lecturer, Strategic Communication, Ohio State University

lecturer, strategic communication, The Ohio State University
