Brand Reputation and Crisis Management: Practical Tips to Face Unexpected Issues and Crisis


The social-cultural and economic paradigm we were living by before Covid-19 will not be reestablished again, whether we like it or not.

And it is not only because of the pandemic. The reason is deeper, and it is rooted inside people's attitudes towards everyday life.

Join us for this webinar as we explore how PR and communication professionals are crucial in helping organizations to build a "crisis ready" culture, leveraging both internal and external communication tools while preserving business continuity.

PR professionals are working with people’s relations, and need to develop a new, flexible mindset that takes into account not only the channels their publics are using – in a meaningful way – but also these new behaviors.

Issues and crises we are facing are on a global scale - we are living on LIVE social media, so we must consider intercultural frames and scenarios, and evaluate the impact every channel (traditional, digital) could have on the public(s), being flexible to adapt strategies on a daily or hourly basis if needed, to preserve reputation and/or the arising of a new issue.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Help Leaders in Communication to shift their mindset while facing unexpected issues/crises.
  • Define the difference between Reputation and Crisis Preparedness (not just crisis response).
  • Discern the need to evolve internal issue/crisis/brand reputation dynamics and processes.


Accreditation Information

Participants with the APR credential earn 0.5 CEUs for a webinar.




1 hour, 1 minute


Branding, Crisis & Reputation, Emerging Trends, On-Demand, Webinar

Recording Date

October 5, 2021