2020 Bateman Case Study Competition
2020 Competition
For the 2020 Bateman Competition, PRSSA partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau, the federal government’s largest statistical agency. The Census Bureau tracks statistical information about the nation’s population and economy.
Participants in the Competition were challenged to develop and implement a comprehensive communications campaign that complements the current communications goals of the 2020 Census and the Integrated Communications Plan.
2020 Judging Results
PRSSA Headquarters received 57 entries for the PRSSA 2020 Bateman Case Study Competition. Of these submissions, 14 entries received honorable mention and three presented their campaigns to a panel of judges on May 15. The results are below:
- First Place: DePaul University - The “A” Team (summary)
- Second Place: University of Florida (summary)
- Third Place: High Point University (summary)
Honorable Mentions
- Ashland University
- Belmont University
- DePaul University - A Sense of Us
- Eastern Illinois University - Eastern Elite
- Kent State - Bateman Gold
- Loyola University New Orleans
- Miami University
- Ohio University
- Syracuse University
- University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- University of Nevada Reno - Battle Born Bateman
- University of Oregon
- University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
- Washington State University
Thank you to all teams for participating. Although this is a Competition, the main purpose is to provide a learning opportunity. PRSSA Headquarters hopes all teams gained valuable experience from their hard work. Score sheets were sent to all teams on Friday, May 8. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Jeneen Garcia at jeneen.garcia@prsa.org.
PRSA/PRSSA would like to thank the judges of the Competition for their time and expertise.
- Jill Alexander, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Arshia Anwer, Ph.D.
- Mary Deming Barber, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Rick Batyko, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Chris Bonelli
- David W. Brown
- Sandy Charet
- Debbie Davis, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Dawn M. Doty, APR
- Sarah Grace Dougherty
- Michael M. Durand
- Mark Dvorak, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Geri Evans, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Henry Feintuch
- Karen Garnik, APR
- Amiso George, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Hatti L. Hamlin, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Jewel Jordan
- Wilma Ruth King
- Sandra Knoesel, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Dean Kruckeberg, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA
- Gina Pesko Laughlin
- Shani Lewis
- Chris Lukach, APR
- Mark McClennan, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Gary McCormick, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Terry Neal
- Alison Novak, Ph.D.
- Hugo Ottolenghi
- Danielle Paleafico
- Judy Parker, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Chad Perry, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Cheryl Procter-Rogers, APR, Fellow PRSA
- Burton Reist
- Laarni Rosca Dacanay
- James M. Shackelford, APR
- Jody Weiss Venturoni
- Larry Weiner, M.A., APR, Fellow PRSA
2020 Competition Materials
- Project Brief
- 2020 Bateman Timeline
- Rules and Guidelines
- Intent To Enter Form
- Additional Census Materials
- 2020 Census Student Journalist Toolkit
- Half page Handout for College Students (Option 1)
- Half page Handout for College Students (Option 2)
- Handout for College Students
- Fact Sheet for Renters
- Brochure About Residence Criteria
- Handout for College Students
- America Counts Story: College Students Count in 2020 Census
- PRSSA Bateman Competition Client Presentation
- Nov. 14, 2 p.m. ET (Recording)
- The Census Bureau is hiring for temporary jobs across the country, students can apply online on the jobs page. Please note, you must disclose if you work for the Census Bureau in your entry.
- 2024 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2023 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2022 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2021 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2020 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2019 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2018 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2017 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2016 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2015 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2014 Bateman Case Study Competition
- 2013 Bateman Case Study Competition