Organize Your Giving to Get a Greater Return on Clients

We all do it. We have been taught to do it … give it away. Do whatever it takes to make the client happy, but at what cost? As senior leaders most of us learned account management by osmosis, in the bullpen … but right now, during the pandemic, there is no bullpen. So how will they learn, and will they realize on their own how to break the cycle of “giving it away?” Doubtful, because we are all doing what is necessary to keep client. But is this the juncture where we should redefine our approach and finally get paid for all that we give away, all the little favors we do, etc.? We believe so, and we will do it through “Organized Giving.” In this session we learn how to get paid for the thing we already do, and even give away … by giving the client “more.”

J. Mark Riggs

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