How Motherhood Made Me a Better PR Pro

January 2020
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Women now make up the majority of the college-educated workforce, and are holding more leadership positions than ever before, says the Center for American Progress. With numbers like this, it might be easy to assume that motherhood would be celebrated in the workforce. Often, it is penalized. 

Nearly one-third of women do not return to work after having a baby, according to Ovia Health’s 2017 Motherhood in America Report. The “Motherhood Penalty” is real — 41 percent of employed Americans perceive working moms to be less devoted to their work and 38 percent judge them for needing schedule flexibility, says the 2018 Bright Horizons Modern Family Index.  

These are disappointing perceptions, considering 89 percent agree that working moms in leadership roles can bring out the best in employees due to their proven problem-solving and motivational abilities, including mindful listening, diplomacy, remaining calm in crisis and galvanizing teams, according to Bright Horizons. 

I can attest to how a mere 18 months of parenting has already refined the daily skills I use in my challenging (and sometimes stressful) role as a PR practitioner. 

Here are six ways that you can leverage parenting skills to improve your PR practice:

1. A teaching mentality

We’re in the sponge phase where everything my husband and I do or say is being imitated by our little one. I often find myself narrating what I’m doing and explaining why — especially with redirecting unwanted behavior, like dumping the dog food out — so he can start to understand more about the world around him.

This teaching mentality benefits both clients and colleagues by keeping our mind sharply focused on “the why.” When we take the time to explain the strategy behind our communications recommendations, our clients see our value and our team learns how to connect PR practices to moving an organization’s goals forward. 

2. Planning ahead

If either of us wants to have a prayer of getting out the door on time, we have to plan ahead the evening before. Prepping breakfast, organizing lunches, laying out clothes, preparing workbags and packing gym clothes have become second nature to us. My husband and I have started to verbally preview the next day to each other, so we know what we need to prepare for and who’s in charge of daycare drop-offs or dinner. 

Training your brain to constantly think multiple steps ahead is an invaluable skill set to master in the PR workplace. By learning how to plan ahead and think about the next phase, you will be better equipped to anticipate client needs and proactively prepare for them, making you an invaluable asset to their team.  

3. Time management

Parents quickly learn how to become expert multitaskers — I’m more efficient with my time than ever before, using any second of precious downtime to my advantage. Waiting at the gas pump? Round up the trash in your car, shake out floorboard mats and wipe the milk splatter off the car seat. Cooking dinner? Enjoy quality time with your little one by making it a dance party in the kitchen or allowing them to “help” you cook. 

You can adopt the same level of efficiency at work. Maximize breaks in between meetings and projects by focusing on proactive efforts that leave you feeling productive and inspired — taking a walking podcast break, scanning HARO (Help a Reporter Out) for a story lead, helping a colleague solve a problem or checking in with a professional mentor.

4. Professional development

Speaking of mentors, I’ve relied on the tried-and-true advice of varsity-level parents through every step of my journey in motherhood, whether it’s through classes, Facebook groups, parenting books and podcasts, or texting with a trusted mom friend (which I am almost always doing).

As PR practitioners, we should constantly be striving to enhance our abilities through seeking accreditations, joining professional organizations like PRSA, reading industry articles, keeping up to date on news and current events and seeking the counsel of trusted mentors.

5. Client relations

Though I’m only a mother of one, sometimes my toddler seems to take on multiple personalities throughout the day. My communications delivery must adjust accordingly to make the most impact, much like the way that PR pros tailor communications styles, methods and frequency to their clients. 

If you’re not sure what their preferred style is, then don’t be afraid to ask how you can continue to bring value or adjust your approach. Some may prefer weekly emails instead of monthly reports, a team Slack channel rather than lengthy email chains, or in-person feedback meetings instead of tracked changes. Being intentional about how I connect with clients has strengthened partnerships.

6. Teamwork

I’ve never understood the powerful phrase “it takes a village” more than when I became a parent. Most of the time, it’s my husband and me tag-teaming to keep our household afloat, but we have learned to embrace the help of friends, neighbors or family members when they offer to babysit, bring over meals, or lend a hand with errands or home improvement projects. 

It takes a talented team expertly utilizing each other’s strengths to pull off a successful PR campaign. It’s also crucial to align on a shared vision and to welcome other new perspectives. 

Whether you’re focused on building your empire, starting your family or both, find growth in the challenges. 

The PR profession is already stressful as it is but I believe that, as mothers, we have an amazing opportunity to leverage the skills our children teach us to improve our practice and inspire the teams around us. 

photo: Erin Vogt with Emmett

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