PRSA Member Exclusive: Gini Dietrich on the PESO Model and Media Trends
By John Elsasser
May 2024
Gini Dietrich, CEO and founder of Arment Dietrich, a Chicago-based communications firm, author of the 2014 book “Spin Sucks” and the “Spin Sucks” blog, was the April guest on Strategies & Tactics Live, PRSA’s monthly livestream series on LinkedIn.
During the session, she explained how the PESO (paid, earned, shared and owned media) Model that she launched in 2014 has evolved.
“When we looked at the model in 2020, we realized there were things in it like Google+ and Vine that no longer existed,” she said. “We updated the model so that it wasn’t just a list of tactics, but also activities, and what happens when you integrate them together. The model became much more strategic.”
Afterward, in this video exclusively for PRSA members, Dietrich discussed the ever-changing media landscape and provided a new book recommendation for communicators.Members-Only Content
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